Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Chirtsmas tree Gemotree Ameya and Monica

 Hi everyone

me and Ameya from tora (Year one) have been doing a Christmas tree Gemotree from the summer learning joreny. so here it is we used triangle shapes and stuff so I hope you like it!



Friday, December 10, 2021

Summer learning journey colouring art

 Hi Guys!

I have done a summer Learning Journey coloring art piece I Hope you like it! 

(Its a a pot of flowers on a table) 


Lilly and Monica online colouring art summer journey

 Hi Everyone

Me and lilly did this online colouring thing  that is a plate of food with some potatoes on the plate and some roses and a tea cup. Its like a bit modern in a way and a lot of simler colours too!  

Hope you like it! 



Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Monica, Aeryn and Charlotte Chose your own adventure story (The bug tsunami of earth)

 Hi Everyone

 For witting Ruru has been working on chose your own adventure story! so my buddy's were Aeryn and Charlotte so basically one the second slide is the intro and then you will get too different options on what to do. There are bad endings and good endings and once you get to the end of one of the story's it will have a link to go back to the start! so I hope you like the story! 😝😝😝  

Rember cheek out my friends blog post of the writing too! (Sorry Charlotte didn't want me too post hers)

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Camp Movie 2021

 Hi everyone

as you have seen on my last post is my camp recount well that's the story of camp  in my explaining way so...

I have made a Movie of camp witch will actually show you how the camp looked like and what we did in video version and photo version and yeah 😖😖   

What did I learn from creating my DLO?: I learnt some things about we video and how to use it

What I found difficult about making it?: that a lot of it was premium stuff and choosing the photos and videos and putting them in order 

What would i do better next time?: Add more detail and more videos 

Bye (and thanks) hope you liked it

Friday, November 5, 2021

Camp recount writting

Hi readers 

last week we went to school camp for 3 days and 2 nights!

I have written a recount of camp so you can see what happens in camp and my story of camp and what I did and what happened with me!

hope you like it! 😐

Camp recount 

It was the 27th of October 2021 when wigram primary (My school)went to camp it started like this.

(day one) We got to school and said our final goodbyes to our parents and family when it was time for them to go

everyone went to do the role, after that we got in our tribes and went in too tribe groups- Tribe one and two and,

tribe 3 and 4. I was in tribe 3 with my friends Aeryn and Charlotte. The tribe groups went to the buses and put there

luggage away, (We had our day pack on our back because it was our day pack) me and my friends got on the bus

and went up hills Everyone was feeling nervous to fall off the cliff in the bus on the hill! When the bus had the first

stop we had our morning tea and went toilet and stuff. We were so excited  to get to camp we were talking about it

so  much! When the bus ride was finally over there was a guided walk we thought it would be easy the whole thing

to get to the camp grounds (living springs) but after 1 and a half hours of walking to get to grass and stuff like that t

here was MORE walking to do!!! Me and my friends were overwhelmed. We kept walking, and walking, and

walking. Our legs were so tired and then there was a lunch break at a farm. After everyone had lunch there was

more WALKING!! We had to go up step hills and stuff and there was a large sheep place and so much sheep poo!

Everyone kept stepping on the poo even me! When we finally arrived at camp we were so puffed out but the last bit

of the walk there was this steep hill and me and Aeryn were walking up in together in a puff and as soon as we got

up to living springs we were so happy and relieved and i just went and lied on my back and put heaps and heaps of

sunscreen on! As soon as everybody was up at living springs we did the role to make sure everyone was there then,

we all got to go and see our bunk rooms and we did and also unpacked a bit too. When it was time too go to

the ordertorium to get ready for orientering we got to go in groups. Me, Aeryn, Charlotte, Ameila and Shekima

was together in a group We got about 4 signs after that it was Recreational activities  me Aeryn and Charlotte

decided to do Lots of trampoline. After Recreational activities it was A bit of freetime in our bunkrooms! I was

bunked with Aeryn, Charlotte, Ameila and Shekima once the Freetime was over It was time for dinner. At dinner it

was naan, (the bread) Green beans, and rice but i only had the rice and some naan. After dinner we had the camp

money auction but I dint get anything on the first auction after the camp auction it was indoor swimming pools me

Aeryn and charlotte had lots of fun but we came out about 10 mins early to get ready for the camp concert!

(wigrams got talent) When it was time for WIGRAMS GOT TALENT everyone got a duffy book and everybody had

taken a seat it started I was second on and i was doing a rhythmic gymnastics routine my friends second to last and

they were doing Knock knock jocks.  Once the concert was other it was almost 10.00 at night so everyone had to go

to get ready for bed then go to bed me and my friends din’t sleep very well because too people in our bunkroom

wouldn't stop talking I ended up falling to sleep around 3.00 in the morning!

Day 2 In the morning I woke up at about 6.45 then I woke my bunk room up then my bunk room got ready

at 7.30 everyone was in the auditorium, then we had breakfast, then  we were getting ready for recreational

activities in my tribe we started with initiative team building were we had to figure out how to get over stuff and

work stuff out I thought that was really fun and cool. The second activity that we did in our tribe was going to do

low ropes me Aeryn and Charlotte were together and we had to balance on ropes, then we had bush ecology, then

the bouldering wall, I really enjoyed the Low ropes and bouldering wall. Then when about half an hour had pasted

we had dinner once Me, Charlotte, and, Aeryn had gobbled our food up it was the camp money auction at 6.30!

I won a crunchy, Smarties, a lollipop, a glow in the dark sword, and a rubber ducky. When the camp money auction

was over we went to the swimming pool for 1 hour! Me, Aeryn, and Charlotte got a cool photo! When a hour had

Me Aeryn and Charlotte had all gobbled down our food we went to get into our pj’s to watch the camp movie then

we went to the auditorium and watched the movie sonic at 8.00! Then it was time for bed. I went to sleep well on

the second night!

Day 3 (last day!)

It was the last day of camp we all woke up and got ready for more recreational games me Aeryn and Charlotte

did more swinging on the rope and jumping on the trampoline. But we found this flat platform log and we were

pretending charlotte was a statue but died from saving me and Aeryn's life from a waterfall! Then we played this

game called the animal survival game There were survivors and predators me and Charlotte survived but Aeryn

didn't :( me and charlotte were little animals that couldn't hunt anything and me and charlotte had 8 lifes me and

charlotte both ended up with one life left! When it was finally time to leave camp we all hoped into the bus and we

started driving away till next time. I was sad that I was home but still exited to see my family!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Camp reading week 1

 Hi bloggers 

(theirs no Walt this week) 

so as you know maybe you dont next week wigram primary is going on camp so this week  i'm not blogging my first and second create task but i am blogging my third witch is a picktochart one so here it is I chose to do a turtle but we had to do  one that is Native to Nz so here it is after I show you the third create task i will 😒 uhh explain the 1st and second create task...

and i forgot too say that there is 10 facts (some big some small)

Friday, October 1, 2021

Chinese language week reading week 10 2021

 Hi Bloggers 

Its Chinese language week this week so in reading we are celebrating it!

So the first create task is a comic strip about the Chinese Story of the big race so we read and listened to it and we needed to rewrite it in a comic strip and i chose to do it digitally so here is Mine! 

If you dont know what a comic strip is its a thing like its kind of like a story but with lots of pictures for each paragraph To show whats happening and its a story 😇

Hope you like it! 😝 

I hope you liked that one So now i'm going to show you my second create task which was to compare the Chinese Dragon with a animal from your culture and I chose a kiwi because i'm from new Zealand  and that was the only and simple one I could think of 
Hope u like it 👏👏

So I compared 4 things because we were supposed to compare 4-5 things so I hoped you like that create task 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Kupe and the giant Wheke (reading)


WALT: analyses and evaluate actions off story lines of Maori myths and legends.
Hi Bloggers 
This week is Maori langue week and we are doing reading about Maori myths or another way (Legends) 
so i chose to read Kupe and the giant wheke (octopus) 
So the first create task was to Analyse On a piece of paper so here is the photo i took of it (im not the best photo taker) 
Here is my first create task 👋

And also here is my second create task that we had to do a agreeing thingy 

Poetry and anthology (writing)


This term (term three 3) we have been doing 12 poems on a slide show called poetry and anthology so here are mine I have 12 poems and they are...
comparison, wish, sound, Haiku, tongue twister, Mood, Imagery,  Acrostic, countdown, cinquains , diamante and a limerick.
I enjoyed the limerick mood and the tongue twister poem! 😀
so this is my slide show it will have every single poem i just said on it. 
So i hope you like it :D

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Bushfire info report


this is my bush fire info report 

i had forgot to put this on my blog like i had forgot to put the tornado info report 

so here it is!

hope you like it :)


Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Teddy tower


We have been set tasks 

this one is a teddy tower that we had to build a tower with the most teddy's and the tallest and whoever wins gets a twenty min voucher (half an hour)...

hope you like it.

PS: its 185 cm tall

Monday, August 30, 2021

poetry and anthology lockdown

hi everyone

as you know its lockdown and we stuck at home so we have been getting homework and this is my lockdown poetry and anthology slide show 

bye hope you like it

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tornadoes info report


Sorry i forgot to post this before i posted my tsunamis information report so i just remembered about this so i'm posting it now so this is my tornado information report i did it last term in term 2 so i hope you like it

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Play poster week 1


For reading we are doing plays and i'm doing guests for dinner and we had to make a play poster about our play here is mine.

we had to have a small description about the play and, about my character and, My costume 

hope you like it :D

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Alexander Graham Bell


This week we have been learning about famous people again and i chose the book about Alexander Graham Bell and here is my first create task in the first box it has a bit  of the book but i chose to read the book because he was the one that invented telephones and i thought that it was cool so here is my first create task 

hope you like it :D

This is my second create task its the first part of my second create task and it has some more info about Alexander. so i hope you like this create task :D (its a fact file about Alexander) 
Here is the second part of my create task hope you like this part :D
It says some reasons about why Alexander is inspirational and was a good man so i hope you like this too.

Here is my third create task it is a inspirational poster here is mine i put 'you can invent anything you want just believe'  because i think that since Alexandra Graham Bell invented a telephone and everyone said it was impossible and he did it i wrote that so i hope you liked my third create task :D

Bye what task was difficult for me? what task did i enjoy? what did i learn? 
(Ask in comments if you want to know down bellow)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Tsunami slide show inquiry


for inquiry we have been learning about natural disasters and after we did our two information reports and i did tornadoes and bushfires  and then we were chose our own natural disaster i chose tsunamis and i made a slide show about it  and there are 8 slides of facts about tsunamis so here it is 

I hope you like it :D


Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or personal information


Today we were doing cybersmart and we have been learning what is Private information and what is things we can share so here is mine

i found it hard to come up with reasons that i picked for why i would not share it or share it so i think i would give the activity a 6/10  so i hope you like what i have done 

bye :D

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Anne Frank reading


Hi bloggers
This week (and next week) we have been learning about famous people and this week i chose to learn about Anne Frank because she sounded cool :D 
but its sad the ending because she died and her mum and sister too and it shows you how they died in the first box.
so here is some info in the first box about Anne Frank.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Create task week 8

 hi bloggers 

WALT: Sumries and annyles ideas and information from different texts  

its matarki week and this is my reading so this week we didn't have reading books but we just did create tasks so these are mine  the first create task was not the same as our first create task that we always do so here are the texts for it.

Video #1:

This video is about the seven stars.

There parents keep hearing the other stars like the red star or the light star saying that they are being annoying and then the father said we need too do something lets give them a job too be the new year and they did and they got named Matriki.

Video #1:

This video is about the seven stars.

There parents keep hearing the other stars like the red star or the light star saying that they are being annoying and then the father said we need too do something lets give them a job too be the new year and they did and they got named Matriki.

Te Papa Website: 

The brighter and clearer the stars seemed, the warmer the growing season would be, ensuring a good harvest.

In different countries around the world Matariki has different names.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

Near the maunga (mountain) of Taranaki, 

a small school is celebrating a very special

event. Every year, Ramanui School in Hāwera

honours the arrival of the star Puanga.

When Puanga appears in the eastern sky just

before dawn, it marks the start of the Māori

New Year in Taranaki.

In many parts of Aotearoa, people

celebrate the Māori New Year when

Matariki (a group of stars also known

as the Pleiades) appears.

that was my first create task here is my second create task

Event means  sign of foreboding, portent of a tragic event - sign in the form of sounds or a feeling that gives a sense of foreboding, a portent of a tragic event.

Stars mean  Fomalhaut - the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus. Its appearance marked the beginning of the lunar month of Poutū-te-rangi (March)

Future means  for, to, as, as a means of - denoting future purpose, intention, etc. In this usage hei is followed by active transitive verbs, but is not used with intransitive verbs, verbs in the passive or with statives

Matariki means The maori new year and the seven stars that celebrate the new year and for the future and when everyone shares kie (food) and has special things. 

Kai means food and what we eat and need to survive and it's very important to have food which in maori it's called kai.

Whetu means star - sometimes also used for other celestial bodies, e.g. comets. Stars were observed carefully as they were important indicators of time and particular stars and star clusters were omens of aspects of life, including crop success.

Calendar means Māori lunar calendar, calendar - a planting and fishing monthly almanac. For most tribes the lunar months began with the new moon, but for some with the full moon (Rākaunui). The start of each month was aligned to the morning rising of particular stars. The maramataka names are similar for most tribes, but the order may vary from tribe to tribe.

Lunar means the full moon.

June means  first lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to June. Also the stars Hamal and Sharatan in the constellation of Aries visible in the mornings a little earlier in the year than Matariki. Pipiri is also known as Pipirioterangi.

Wairua means bonfire moss, common cord-moss, Funaria hygrometrica - a moss that grows in profusion on moist, shady, and damp bare soil, especially on sites of old fires, and in plant pots in glasshouses and shadehouses. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Land means territory,ground home and place

Family means the ones you love and your people that made your birth and bright you to life 

Maori new year means it's a new year but just for moari people and it's really special for them just like us so it's technically the same as our new year just celebrated differently.

Celebration means times when you have a good fun time and our celebrating good times or anythink.

Present means like something you may get for your birthday or anythink.

Past means something that happened the other day or years ago so you could say yesterday was all in the past.

Spirit means something haunting you.

Waiti means sweet and melodious.

Storehous means storing place (for potatoes, etc.), small fenced enclosure, pigsty.

Reflection means a mior of the same thing.

Constellation means  Southern Cross, constellation Crux - a constellation seen in the southern skies. These are the stars depicted on the Aotearoa/New Zealand flag.

Hope you liked it

Byeeee :D

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A bad case of stripes create task 1

Hey blogers 

WALT: Making connections  to ourselfs and other texts in the world 

This week i chose the book a bad case of stripes This is the  first create task we had to make connections to the world and too Movies and yourself here are the stuff i think i don't have any other create tasks for this week because  i havent been here that much this week so i have only manged to get the first create task done so if you were thinking it doesnt look like that much work and its only the first create task that's why. I think my fav part of this create task is the world box and my fav thing i came up with is jack and the bean stalk because in the bad case of strips there are limabeans and in jack and the beanstalk it makes a connection because it's both beans.

Hope you like it :D

Friday, June 11, 2021

Egburt and the Princess reading create task week 6 2021


Hey bloggers
This week we have been doing fairy tale (reading) 
WALT: Synthesize ideas and information in a narrative text.
I did the book called Egburt and the Princess and its about a dragon called Egburt and he gets told he has to capture a princess in a tower and he did but it ended up as a nightmare because  the princess she also trapped him in the tower...
Hope you like it!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Maths number line


WALT: read a rod track to find paterens 

today we have been using the intractive whiteboard doing a number line and i counited up in 5's to do my number line

Hope you like it :D

Friday, May 21, 2021

Christchurch earthquakes


WALT: Use prior knowledge when making text to text connections
This week we have been learning about disasters.
I have chose the book Christchurch earthquakes And this is my slide show
Hope you like it :D

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

numicon maths (numicon robot)

Hello :)

WALT: Decide which is the equipment to solve addition number sensitises   

Today we have been doing maths robots on Numicon interactive whiteboard 

Here is my Robot with 27 pieces.

We had to make a robot under the limit of 30 look down bellow to see my robot :D

Hope you like it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Maths Numicon

 WALT: Decide which is the best equiment to use help solve additon number sentnces 


Today we have been doing Numicon on interactive whiteboard 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Week one term 2 Create task

WALT:   Evaluate  ideas and information in narrative text.
This week i have chose the book called choice and here is a slide show of three create tasks that i did.
The first slide is the first create task the second slide is the second create task and the third slide is the third create task.
Hope you like it.                          

Friday, April 16, 2021

Bio poems


this is my bio poem.

bio poems are like a poem and we did this in at the start of the term.

my background phicher is mountains.

Hope you like it. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

week 11 Anzac day

 Hi every one 

this week we have been doing create tasks on Anzac day.

and i have done a few things and maybe i could change some things too.

Hope you like it :D 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Frog quiz week 10

WALT: summarising information by identifying the keywords in the text.

hi Its Monica again this week we have been learning about animals and i did frogs.

here is my quiz the answers are at the end just to let you know.

Hope you like it.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Smart passwords

This week we have been learning about smart passwords and in this blog post we did some smart passwords.
Here are all the passwords that i have made just to let you know the top passwords are the easy ones that people can try hack into you device.
Hope you like it.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The day the crayons quit week 8 Monica, Rodghelyn and Jennifer

 Hi readers. 

This week Me Rodghelyn and Jennifer did a create task for The day the crayons quit.

Hope you like it

Thursday, March 18, 2021

wacky wednesday week 7 create task

Wacky Wednesday create task

Hi this week me, Aria, solika did a create task for the book Wacky Wednesday we did three tasks have a look Hope you like it. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

create task week 6 six make your own buggy

  WALT:  reorganise information to gain an understanding to the text.

This week we did a slideshow to make our own buggy for the planet that we made last week and my planet is Maco and I made a buggy for my planet. 

Hope you like it

Friday, February 26, 2021