Thursday, June 24, 2021

Create task week 8

 hi bloggers 

WALT: Sumries and annyles ideas and information from different texts  

its matarki week and this is my reading so this week we didn't have reading books but we just did create tasks so these are mine  the first create task was not the same as our first create task that we always do so here are the texts for it.

Video #1:

This video is about the seven stars.

There parents keep hearing the other stars like the red star or the light star saying that they are being annoying and then the father said we need too do something lets give them a job too be the new year and they did and they got named Matriki.

Video #1:

This video is about the seven stars.

There parents keep hearing the other stars like the red star or the light star saying that they are being annoying and then the father said we need too do something lets give them a job too be the new year and they did and they got named Matriki.

Te Papa Website: 

The brighter and clearer the stars seemed, the warmer the growing season would be, ensuring a good harvest.

In different countries around the world Matariki has different names.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui:

Near the maunga (mountain) of Taranaki, 

a small school is celebrating a very special

event. Every year, Ramanui School in Hāwera

honours the arrival of the star Puanga.

When Puanga appears in the eastern sky just

before dawn, it marks the start of the Māori

New Year in Taranaki.

In many parts of Aotearoa, people

celebrate the Māori New Year when

Matariki (a group of stars also known

as the Pleiades) appears.

that was my first create task here is my second create task

Event means  sign of foreboding, portent of a tragic event - sign in the form of sounds or a feeling that gives a sense of foreboding, a portent of a tragic event.

Stars mean  Fomalhaut - the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus. Its appearance marked the beginning of the lunar month of Poutū-te-rangi (March)

Future means  for, to, as, as a means of - denoting future purpose, intention, etc. In this usage hei is followed by active transitive verbs, but is not used with intransitive verbs, verbs in the passive or with statives

Matariki means The maori new year and the seven stars that celebrate the new year and for the future and when everyone shares kie (food) and has special things. 

Kai means food and what we eat and need to survive and it's very important to have food which in maori it's called kai.

Whetu means star - sometimes also used for other celestial bodies, e.g. comets. Stars were observed carefully as they were important indicators of time and particular stars and star clusters were omens of aspects of life, including crop success.

Calendar means Māori lunar calendar, calendar - a planting and fishing monthly almanac. For most tribes the lunar months began with the new moon, but for some with the full moon (Rākaunui). The start of each month was aligned to the morning rising of particular stars. The maramataka names are similar for most tribes, but the order may vary from tribe to tribe.

Lunar means the full moon.

June means  first lunar month of the Māori year - approximately equivalent to June. Also the stars Hamal and Sharatan in the constellation of Aries visible in the mornings a little earlier in the year than Matariki. Pipiri is also known as Pipirioterangi.

Wairua means bonfire moss, common cord-moss, Funaria hygrometrica - a moss that grows in profusion on moist, shady, and damp bare soil, especially on sites of old fires, and in plant pots in glasshouses and shadehouses. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Land means territory,ground home and place

Family means the ones you love and your people that made your birth and bright you to life 

Maori new year means it's a new year but just for moari people and it's really special for them just like us so it's technically the same as our new year just celebrated differently.

Celebration means times when you have a good fun time and our celebrating good times or anythink.

Present means like something you may get for your birthday or anythink.

Past means something that happened the other day or years ago so you could say yesterday was all in the past.

Spirit means something haunting you.

Waiti means sweet and melodious.

Storehous means storing place (for potatoes, etc.), small fenced enclosure, pigsty.

Reflection means a mior of the same thing.

Constellation means  Southern Cross, constellation Crux - a constellation seen in the southern skies. These are the stars depicted on the Aotearoa/New Zealand flag.

Hope you liked it

Byeeee :D

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