Thursday, May 27, 2021

Maths number line


WALT: read a rod track to find paterens 

today we have been using the intractive whiteboard doing a number line and i counited up in 5's to do my number line

Hope you like it :D

Friday, May 21, 2021

Christchurch earthquakes


WALT: Use prior knowledge when making text to text connections
This week we have been learning about disasters.
I have chose the book Christchurch earthquakes And this is my slide show
Hope you like it :D

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

numicon maths (numicon robot)

Hello :)

WALT: Decide which is the equipment to solve addition number sensitises   

Today we have been doing maths robots on Numicon interactive whiteboard 

Here is my Robot with 27 pieces.

We had to make a robot under the limit of 30 look down bellow to see my robot :D

Hope you like it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Maths Numicon

 WALT: Decide which is the best equiment to use help solve additon number sentnces 


Today we have been doing Numicon on interactive whiteboard 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Week one term 2 Create task

WALT:   Evaluate  ideas and information in narrative text.
This week i have chose the book called choice and here is a slide show of three create tasks that i did.
The first slide is the first create task the second slide is the second create task and the third slide is the third create task.
Hope you like it.